How to add NGINX Ingress controller in your local k8s

Luiz Gustavo De O. Costa
4 min readMay 16, 2021


After for the umpteenth time type the command port-forward I noticed that I had to use Ingress 😜 and avoid the famous DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).

Disclaimer → Is not wrong use port-forward command, but if you can don’t remember it, looks great.

Assumptions → You’re familiar with docker and has installed the softwares below.

For this tutorial I’m using the following softwares

In terms of deploy, I’m using an application built with Quarkus, with 2 endpoints, /resteasy-jackson/quarks and /hello-resteasy. The image is available on my Docker hub.

This is an overview of those piece together, and let’s analyse how configure them.

16-bits diagram
  1. Create a cluster using kind, such as the content below
cat <<EOF | kind create cluster --name=16-bits --config=-
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- |
kind: InitConfiguration
node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
- containerPort: 80
hostPort: 80
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 443
hostPort: 443
protocol: TCP

A screen like that is expected

kind cluster 16-bits

2. Check the localhost using curl and nothing should be returned

curl localhost
curl localhost

3. Create the Ingress. The Ingress will be the key piece to connect our service to external environment without use the port-forward command.

kubectl apply -f
create the Ingress

4. Check the k8s namespaces, and the new namespace has been created, ingress-nginx.

kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get namespaces

5. Check if the service has been deployed and execute a request to localhost. Now a NGINX error is returned, and it’s the expected result.

kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
--for=condition=ready pod \ \
curl localhost
check the service

6. Create a namespace to deploy the service, for it type the command below

kubectl create namespace 16-bits
create namespace

7. Using the namespace 16-bits, deploy the service

kubectl -n 16-bits apply -f
Service deployed

8. Check wether the service is running. First, you need to know the pod, follow the instructions below

kubectl get pods -n 16-bits
get pods
kubectl logs -n bits <pod name>

9. Ingress NGINX 🖥 is on fire 🔥

You can use cURL or your browser.

curl http://localhost/hello-resteasy

Coming up → k8s dashboard


Is more easy and more professional has a Ingress instead of manage the ports by myself, since this decrease the error prone.




Luiz Gustavo De O. Costa
Luiz Gustavo De O. Costa

Written by Luiz Gustavo De O. Costa

Hey friend!! I’m Luiz Gustavo, a Java developer and I’m here to learn and write about Java, tests and good practices

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