Manage Database changes using Liquibase + Spring + CockroachDB
Working with a dev environment is kind of different from prod, and managing the changes should be too. To achieve the changes Liquibase is an option rather than Hibernate create-drop strategy.
To maintain all DB schema changes into one place, Liquibase has these reasons.
- Version-controlled database schema changes
- Automatically orders scripts for deployment
- Branching and merging for teams
- Embeds into your product or build tools, like Jenkins
- Easily rollback changes
For this tutorial, the focus will be on item 1.
- Spring Boot application, start from scratch using this link from or this one with the required dependencies, or clone the application via GitHub 🔽
git clone
- CockroachDB, you can use a free tier accessing this link, no card required.
- Liquibase, is a dependency and will be configured along the way.
1. SpringBoot
Open the application using IntelliJ, recommended.
1.1. Create an application.yml and delete the file
This is my preference, but it’s up to you to maintain the Check below the content. The values between {} should be replaced by you.
❗️The important point here is has the ddl-auto to none, to avoid any action by Hibernate side. If you have any questions about ddl-auto, please visit this link.
✅ The liquibase.change-log represents the configuration file to Liquibase
✅ The liquibase.contexts represents the context name for Liquibase
enabled: always
change-log: classpath:db/changelog-master.xml
drop-first: false
contexts: 16bits
enabled: true
url: ${db.url}
driver-class-name: org.postgresql.Driver
username: ${db.userName}
password: ${db.password}
connection-test-query: SELECT 1
open-in-view: false
dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.CockroachDB201Dialect
show-sql: false
ddl-auto: none
port: 9090
1.2. Replace the values inside the ${}
One approach to replace those values is set as environment variables, and then avoid hard-coded. If you’re using IntelliJ, hit the Edit Configuration and then set the values, follow the steps to achieve this.
1.3. Configure the application log
To configure it, create a new file with the name logback.xml and use the following content.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<include resource="org/springframework/boot/logging/logback/base.xml"/>
<logger name="org.hibernate.SQL" level="DEBUG"/>
<logger name="org.hibernate.type.descriptor.sql" level="TRACE"/>
<logger name="com.costa.luiz" level="DEBUG"/>
<root level="INFO"/>
2. Liquibase
The Liquibase configuration will be done inside the Spring Boot project, into the resources folder.
2.1. Required files
Create a file with the name changelog-master.xml under the resources/db folder and add the content below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="1" author="luiz" context="16bits">
<sqlFile path="db/create.sql"/>
Additionally, create also a file with the name create.sql, this file will store the DDL instructions.
CREATE TYPE financial_category AS ENUM ('Mutual Funds', 'NPS', 'Company', 'Individual');create table financialProduct
id int not null primary key default unique_rowid(),
name varchar(100) not null,
type financial_category,
creation_time TIMESTAMPTZ DEFAULT now(),
available bool default false
Now, you should have a structure like this
3. Run
First let’s check the tables. Using CockroachDB, the command show_tables; is enough. Here there are none tables related to Liquibase, but after running the application will have the tables databasechangelog, databasechangeloglock and financialproduct. The tables databasechangelog, databasechangeloglock belong to Liquibase and are used to track the changes.
Run the application through the maven, or by IntelliJ
If everything goes well you should see the IntelliJ logs like this
After the Liquibase runs the new tables are available.
4.1. Add data to new table
Once the table is in place, it’s time to add new data. For it, let’s open the file changelog-master.xml, and let’s add two more rows which can be identified by the bold lines.
⚠️ The context attribute refers to spring.liquibase.contexts path into application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="1" author="luiz" context="16bits">
<sqlFile path="db/create.sql"/>
<changeSet id="2" author="luiz" context="16bits">
<insert tableName="financialproduct">
<column name="id">1</column>
<column name="name">Buy BTC</column>
<column name="type">Individual</column>
<column name="available" valueBoolean="true"/>
<insert tableName="financialproduct">
<column name="id">2</column>
<column name="name">Green fund</column>
<column name="type">Company</column>
<column name="available" valueBoolean="true"/>
Now, the table financialProduct has 2 rows. For it, you need to restart the application.
5. Queries
5.1. See the enums
See enum values, link to query.
pg_enum ON pg_enum.enumtypid = pg_type.oid;
5.1. Drop the enums
drop type financial_category;
5.2. Drop table
drop <table_name>;
6. Software versions
- Java → openJDK11
- Spring → 2.5.2
- CockroachDB → 21.1.3
- Liquibase → 4.3.5
- Maven → 3.6.3
7. Alternatives
To replace the Liquibase you can choose Flyway, for Spring you can use Micronaut or Quarkus, for CockroachDB you can use any SQL or NoSQL DB.
8. Conclusion
This is a really good option, since production data is highly important and maintaining it is controlled in order to avoid surprises.